Minggu, 08 Juli 2012

5 Fakta Unik Tentang OTAK Manusia

Setelah ribuan tahun dipelajari, mulai terungkap beberapa sisi misterius otak manusia. Terdapat beberapa fakta yang sebelumnya mungkin tidak pernah terpikir oleh manusia.

Otak adalah salah satu organ yang paling menakjubkan yang ada di dalam tubuh manusia, karena ia dapat mengendalikan sistem saraf pusat agar bisa bekerja secara normal.

Otak manusia sangatlah kompleks dan terdiri sekitar 100 miliar saraf (neuron) dan ada begitu banyak hal terjadi di dalam otak dengan berbagai bidang yang berbeda. Karenanya otak termasuk salah satu organ vital dalam kehidupan manusia.

Seperti dikutip dari Howstuffworks, ini dia beberapa fakta lain seputar otak manusia yang belum banyak diketahui:

1. Otak tetap aktif meskipun kepala sudah terpenggal.
Berdasarkan pengamatan beberapa kisah diketahui bahwa otak manusia bisa tetap aktif selama beberapa detik setelah kepalanya dipenggal. Namun para dokter percaya bahwa hal tersebut merupakan refleksi kedut otot.

Dr Harold Hillman, mantan direktur Unity Laboratory of Applied Neural Biology di University of Surrey menuturkan bahwa kematian terjadi karena adanya pemisahan antara otak dengan sumsum tulang belakang, tapi hal ini bersifat menyakitkan sehingga banyak negara yang tidak memberlakukan metode ini.

2. Otak bisa mempelajari pesan bawah sadar.
Otak dapat mempelajari pesan yang berasal dari alam bawah sadar seseorang sehingga nantinya akan mempengaruhi perilaku dari orang tersebut. Banyak perusahaan menggunakan hal ini sebagai ajang promosi untuk mempengaruhi seseorang agar mau membeli produknya.

3. Obat-obatan bisa menyebabkan lubang di otak.
Salah satu penelitian menyatakan penggunaan obat seperti mariyuana bisa menghilangkan sedikit memori, sedangkan untuk obat seperti kokain atau ekstasi dapat menimbulkan lubang di otak. Sebenarnya satu-satunya hal yang dapat menimbulkan lubang di otak adalah akibat adanya trauma atau benturan fisik.

Selain itu sebuah studi dari New Scientist menyatakan penggunaan obat-obatan jangka panjang dapat menyebabkan pertumbuhan tidak normal dari otak yang bersifat permanen, karenanya sulit untuk mengubah perilaku dari seorang pecandu.

4. Otak manusia berwarna abu-abu.
Beberapa bagian dari tubuh memiliki warna tersendiri untuk darah, jaringan, tulang atau cairan lain. Tapi jika otak manusia diawetkan dalam stoples meskipun masih berdenyut kebanyakan berwarna abu-abu, karena itu seluruh otak kadang disebut sebaagi materi abu-abu. Namun otak juga tetap mengandung materi putih yang terdiri dari serat saraf untuk menghubungkan materi abu-abu.

Sedangkan komponen yang berwarna hitam disebut dengan substantia nigra yang merupakan neuromelanin hitam, yaitu pigmen khusus yang sama dengan warna kulit dan rambut dan merupakan batas dari bagian basal ganglia.

5. Otak manusia merupakan otak yang paling besar.
Beberapa binatang bisa menggunakan otaknya untuk melakukan berbagai hal yang dilakukan oleh manusia. Tapi sebenarnya otak manusia berukuran paling besar dibandingkan dengan otak binatang manapun. Rata-rata berat otak manusia dewasa sebesar 1,361 kilogram, berat ini hampir sama dengan binatang lumba-lumba yang dianggap sebagai hewan yang cerdas.

Namun berat dari otak ini dibandingkan dengan ukuran tubuhnya, sehingga otak manusia tetap saja menjadi yang paling besar. Selain itu kecerdasan juga berkaitan dengan berbagai komponen di otak, dan mamalia memiliki korteks serebral terbesar yang bertanggung jawab terhadap fungsi memori, komunikasi dan berpikir.
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Sabtu, 07 Juli 2012

Fakta Tentang HUJAN Yang Sangat Mengejutkan

Suka atau tidak, tak seorang manusiapun bisa menghentikan hujan...Yuk kita baca apa saja fakta tentang hujan :

1.Rata-rata kecepatan jatuhnya air hujan hanyalah 8-10 km/jam.

2.Air jatuh ke bumi dengan kecepatan yang rendah karena titik hujan memiliki bentuk khusus yang meningkatkan efek gesekan atmosfer dan membantu hujan turun ke bumi dengan kecepat-an yang lebih rendah. Andaikan bentuk titik hujan berbeda, atau andaikan atmosfer tidak memiliki sifat gesekan (bayangkan jika hujan terjadi seperti gelembung air yang besar yang turun dari langit), bumi akan menghadapi kehancuran setiap turun hujan

3.Ketinggian minimum awan hujan adalah 1.200 meter

4.Efek yang ditimbulkan oleh satu tetes air hujan yang jatuh dari ketinggian tersebut sama dengan benda seberat 1 kg yang jatuh dari keting-gian 15 cm

5.Awan hujan pun dapat ditemui pada ketinggian 10.000 meter

6.Dalam satu detik, kira-kira 16 juta ton air menguap dari bumi.

7.Jumlah ini sama dengan jumlah air yang turun ke bumi dalam satu detik. Dalam satu tahun, diperkirakan jumlah ini akan mencapai 505x1012 ton. Air terus berputar dalam daur yang seimbang berdasarkan “takaran”.

8.Butiran air hujan berubah bentuk ratusan kali tiap detik

9.Kalau butiran air hujan itu dibekukan akan membentuk keping kristal yg indah, tidak seperti air biasa yang di bekukan di freezer/kulkas

10.Setelah hujan turun, tanah, ilalang, rerumputan akan mengeluarkan bau wangi yg khas, senyawa ini dinamakan 'petrichor'

11.Dan fakta terakhir yang paling misterius dan mengejutkan ilmuan. Hujan memiliki kemampuan untuk menghipnotis manusia untuk me-resonansi-kan ingatan masa lalu. Dan tanpa bisa mendapatkan bukti ilmiah, para ilmuan hanya bisa menyimpulkan “Di dalam hujan, ada lagu yang hanya bisa didengar oleh mereka yg rindu”.

Dan pada titik ini – para ilmuan meyakini bahwa - manusia biasanya mendapatkan inspirasi..

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Jumat, 06 Juli 2012

10 Common English Language Errors

Because English is such a complex language, it is fraught with traps that we all frequently fall into. With this list I hope to clear up at least a few of the confusing words we use every day. This is a list of some of the more common errors people make with English.

1. Practice / Practise
In US English, practice is used as either a verb (doing word), or noun (naming word). Hence, a doctor has a practice, and a person practices the violin. In UK english, practice is a noun, and practise is a verb. A doctor has a practice, but his daughter practises the piano.

2. Bought / Brought
Bought relates to buying something. Brought relates to bringing something. For example, I bought a bottle of wine which had been brought over from France. The easy way to remember which is which is that bring start with ‘br’ and brought also does. Buy and bought start with ‘b’ only. This is one of those difficult ones that a spelling checker won’t catch.

3. Your / You’re
Your means “belonging to you”. You’re means “you are”. The simplest way to work out the correct one to use is to read out your sentence. For example, if you say “you’re jeans look nice” expand the apostrophe. The expanded sentence would read “you are jeans look nice” – obviously nonsensical. Remember, in English, the apostrophe often denotes an abbreviation.
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4. Its / It’s
As in the case above, the apostrophe denotes an abbreviation: it’s = it is. Its means “belongs to it”. The confusion arises here because we also use an apostrophe in English to denote possession – except in this case; if you want to say “the cat’s bag” you say “its bag” not “it’s bag”. “It’s” always means “it is” or “it has”. “It’s a hot day.” “it’s been fun seeing you.”

5. Two / To / Too
With a ‘w’ it means the number 2. With one ‘o’ it refers to direction: ‘to France’. With two ‘o’s it means “also” or refers to quantity – for example: “There is too much money”. A good way to remember this one is that too has two ‘o’s – ie, it has more ‘o’s than ‘to’ – therefore it refers to quantity.

6. Desert / Dessert
This is a confusing one because in English an ‘s’ on its own is frequently pronounced like a ‘z’ and two ‘s’s are usually pronounced as a n ‘s’ (for example: prise, prissy). In this case, desert follow the rule – it means a large stretch of sand. However, dessert is pronounced “dez-urt” with the emphasis on the second syllable – ie, something we eat as part of our meal. To make matters worse, when a person leaves the army without permission, it is spelt desert. So, let’s sum up:
desert (pronounced dez’-it): dry land
desert (pronounced dez-urt’): abandon
dessert (pronounced dez-urt’): yum yum! – remember, two ‘s’s because you want second helpings!
Oh – one more thing – another very common mistake is using the word dessert (two ‘s’s) to mean pudding – pudding is a sweet course, often consisting of some kind of cake or icecream. Dessert is fruit or cheese – normally taken after the pudding course.

7. Dryer / Drier
If your clothes are wet, put them in a clothes dryer. That will make them drier. A hair dryer also makes hair drier.

8. Chose / Choose
This is actually quite an easy one to remember – in English we generally pronounce ‘oo’ as it is written – such as “moo”. The same rule applies here: choose is pronounced as it is written (with a ‘z’ sound for the ‘s’) – and chose is said like “nose”. Therefore, if you had to choose to visit Timbuktu, chances are you chose to fly there. Chose is the past tense, choose is the present tense.

9. Lose / Loose
This one is confusing. In this case, contrary to normal rules of English, the single ‘s’ in loose is pronounced like an ‘s’ – as in wearing trousers that are too loose. Lose on the other hand, relates to loss – for example: “I hope we don’t lose this game”. A good way to remember this is that in the word “lose” you have lost the second ‘o’ from loose. If you can’t remember a rule that simple, you are a loser!

10. Literally
This one is not only often used in error, it is incredibly annoying when it is used in the wrong way. Literally means “it really happened” – therefore, unless you live on a parallel universe with different rules of physics, you can not say “he literally flew out the door”. Saying someone “flew out the door” is speaking figuratively – you could say “he figuratively flew out the door” but figuratively is generally implied when you describe something impossible. Literally can only be used in the case of facts – for example: he literally exploded after swallowing the grenade. If he did, indeed, swallow the grenade and explode – that last sentence is perfectly correct. It would not be correct to say “she annoyed him and he literally exploded” unless she is Wonder Woman and her anger can cause people to blow up.

Bonus: I could care less
I have to add this one as a bonus because it is one I especially hate. When you say “I could care less” you are saying “I care a little so I could care less”. Most people when using this horrific sentence mean to say “I couldn’t care less” which means “I care so little I could not care less”.

Bonus 2: Ironic
Isn’t it ironic? Actually, no, most of the time it is not. Irony, in its true form, is when you state something to a person who does not understand what you truly mean, but another person does. Essentially, it makes the hearer the brunt of the joke without their being aware of it. This is called dramatic or tragic irony because it originated on the stage where the audience knew what was happening but the victim on stage did not. The most sustained example of dramatic irony is undoubtedly Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex, in which Oedipus searches to find the murderer of the former king of Thebes, only to discover that it is himself, a fact the audience has known all along.
Another form of irony is Socratic irony, in which the person pretends to be ignorant of a subject in order to truly show the ignorance of the person with whom he is arguing.

Unfortunately, poor Alanis Morissette had no clue when she said “it’s a free ride when you’ve already paid” or “it’s like rain on your wedding day”. This is not irony – it is misfortune or coincidence.
To sum it up, basically Irony is a figure of speech in which what is stated is not what is meant. Sarcasm can be a type of Irony.
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11 Monumen Paling Menakjubkan di Dunia

Karya seniman memang kadang tidak dapat kita duga hasilnya.. beberapa karya bisa dibilang menakjubkan.Berbagai tempat di dunia ini mempunyai monumen-monumen yang menjadi simbol di tempat tersebut..,mulai dari yang sederhana sampai yang megah. Berikut ini gue coba mengarsipkan monumen-monumen yang tertinggi dan menakjubkan di dunia ini.Semoga menjadi motivasi bagi para seniman-seniman yang membaca artikel ini.Check this out !!

Ushiku Daibutsu, Japan.
Monumen tertinggi yang ada di dunia berada di Ushiku, Japan. Rampung pada tahun 1995. Mempunyai tinggi 120m dari tanah,termasuk 10m dari tinggi pelatarannya dan 10m tinggi teratai pada monumen tersebut.Didalam monumen tersebut telah disediakan sebuah lift untuk pengunjung yang bisa membawa pengunjung hingga ke ketinggian 85m,tempat dimana ada satu pelataran lagi untuk melihat pemandangan sekitar dari atas.

Bayhan, Afghanistan.
Budha of bayhan ini adalah monumen patung berbentuk budha yang dibuat di tebing Afghanistan.terletak sekitar 230km dari utar kota Kabul,mempunyai tinggi sekitar 55meter. Namun sayangnya monumen ini dihancurkan oleh organisasi Taliban pada tahun 2001 lalu.Dapat dilihat di foto bawah ini,bahwa sebagian wajah patung tersebut akhirnya rusak.Kemudian dalam misi membangun kembali bagian yang rusak tersebut,beberapa negara dan organisasi ikut berpartisipasi. Diantaranya,Jepang,Swiss,UNESCO dan yang beberapa negara lainnya.

Lanshan, China.
Monumen yang dibuat di tebing ini bertempat di lanshan,china.Mempunyai tinggi sekitar 71m dari tanah.Menjadi salah satu tempat pariwisata terkenal di kawasan tersebut.Setiap harinya beribu-ribu turis datang ke tempat tersebut,baik pengunjung lokal maupun dari luar negri.

Motherland,Kiev, Ukraine.
Patung motherland dari kiev ini adalah monumen yang di buat untuk mengenang perang dunia ke-2 yang di sebut juga Great Patriotic War.Patungnya mempunyai tinggi 62m,namun secara keseluruhan mempunyai ketinggian 102m.

Liberty Island, New York.
Monumen ini disumbangkan oleh Prancis kepada Amerika pada tahun 1886,berdiri di antara Liberty Island,New York di dekat pelabuhan.Monumen ini terbuka bagi semua pengunjung.

Guanyin, Sanya, China.
Monumen ini berada disebuah propinsi kecil Hai Nan,China.Tepatnya di taman Yalong Wan yang terletak sekitar 7,5km dari pantai Sanya city.Patung setinggi 108m ini rampung pada mei 2005 dan menjadi salah satu monumen tertinggi didunia.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Patung ini menjadi karya besar bagi warga Rio De Janiero,Brazil.Monumen sosok Yesus Kristus ini mempunyai tinggi 32m dan berat 1000ton.Berlokasi di atas gunung Corcovado yang mempunyai tinggi 710m di Tijuca Forest National Park.Dari atas gunung tersebut,seluruh bagian kota tersebut dapat terlihat.

Monas Jakarta, Indonesia.
Monumen nasional atau yang sering di sebut sebagai Tugu Monas ini terletak di pusat kota Jakarta,Indonesia. Dengan tinggi 137m ,monumen yang menjadi simbol dari kebangkitan indonesia ini dibuat pada tahun 1961 oleh Presiden Soekarno namun tidak selesai sampai tahun 1975 oleh Soeharto. Puncak dari monumen ini berbentuk api dan terbuat dari 14,5 ton perak yang dilapisi emas seberat 35kg. Pengunjung dapat melihat isi kota dari atas dengan fasilitas lift di dalam monumen tersebut.

Patung Peter Moscow, Rusia.
Patung Peter I ini menjadi pahatan tertinggi di dunia.

Huangdi and Yandi, China.
Monumen kuning raja Huangdi dan Yandi ini berada di cina,dengan tinggi 103m.

Volgograd, Russia.
Patung yang juga bernama “motherland” ini.Rampung pada tahun 1967.Terbuat dari 7900ton semen oleh Nikolai Nikitin.Tinggi Keseluruhan termasuk dengan pedang adalah 169m.
Menarik bukan karya seniman-seniman ini? Masih ada menara eiffel sih,namun menurut para ahli,itu tidak termasuk monumen karna tidak terbuat dari bahan pahatan melainkan dari baja.
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Kamis, 05 Juli 2012

Fiqih dan Keutamaan Puasa Sya'ban & Nisfu Sya'ban

Hari ini (Kamis, 21/6/12) kita memasuki awal Sya'ban 1433 H. Dengan hadirnya Sya'ban berarti tinggal sebulan lagi kita akan kedatangan tamu istimewa 'syahru Ramadhan'. Sebagai bekal untuk meningkatkan amal ibadah di bulan Sya'ban ini, berikut kami sampaikan kajian seputar Sya'ban.


Saya ingin menanyakan tentang puasa Sya'ban. Berapa harikah yang disunahkan oleh Rasulullah? Apakah baik jika kita puasa sebulan penuh? Atas perhatiannya saya ucapkan terima kasih.


Bulan Sya'ban adalah bulan di saat Nabi Muhammad saw melakukan puasa sunnahnya yang terbanyak. Di bulan-bulan lain, Nabi tidak melakukan puasa (sunnah) sebanyak di bulan Sya'ban. Namun tak ada kejelasan, tepatnya berapa hari yang disunnahkan berpuasa.

Persoalan boleh atau tidak melakukan puasa sebulan penuh di bulan Sya'ban, itu boleh-boleh saja. Tidak ada dalil yang mengharamkan.

Hanya perlu diketahui ada perbedaan pendapat, antara yang memakruhkan puasa pada paruh kedua (setelah tanggal 15) Sya'ban, ada yang tidak. Perbedaan ini terjadi dikarenakan adanya 2 hadis yang berbeda. Kelompok yang memakruhkan menggunakan hadis: "Tiada puasa setelah separuh dari Sya'ban hingga masuk Ramadan."

Sementara yang tidak memakruhkan mendasarkan pada beberapa hadis (di antaranya):
Diriwayatkan dari Umi Salmah: "Saya tak pernah melihat Rasulullah puasa dua bulan berturut-turut kecuali di bulan Sya'ban dan Ramadan." Dalam redaksi lain: "Tidak pernah Rasulullah melakukan puasa sunnah sebulan penuh kecuali di bulan Sya'ban." (Riwayat Ahmad, Abu Daud, Tirmidzi, Nasa'i, Ibnu Majah). Dan dalam redaksinya Ibnu Majah: "Nabi pernah puasa (penuh) di bulan Sya'ban dan Ramadan."

Demikianlah perbedaan itu muncul. Perlu diketahui juga, ada ulama yang menganggap dhaif hadis yang memakruhkan puasa di paruh kedua Sya'ban. Karena ada hadis lain lagi yang melarang puasa sehari-dua hari sebelum Ramadan. Ini tujuannya untuk menghindari hari "syak" (hari yang mendekati Ramadan, belum diketahui dengan jelas kapan akhir Sya'ban dan awal Ramadan).

Kembali ke persoalan semula, boleh-tidaknya berpuasa sebulan penuh di bulan Sya'ban, pendapat yang membolehkan lebih cocok diikuti. Ini dengan alasan:

  1. Ada hadis yang menunjukkan bolehnya puasa Sya'ban sebulan penuh (seperti tersebut di atas).
  2. Bahwasanya larangan puasa sehari-dua hari sebelum Ramadan itu untuk menghindari keragua-raguan. Karena pada hari-hari itu sudah dekat awal Ramadan. Padahal puasa Ramadan itu harus jelas niatnya: niat puasa Ramadan.
  3. Masa sekarang ini tidak ada kesulitan lagi untuk mengetahui awal bulan (atau akhir bulan) karena kecanggihan teknologi.

Jadi pada aslinya puasa sebulan penuh di Sya'ban itu tetap disunnahkan. Kalaupun sehari-dua hari di akhir Sya'ban itu tidak diperbolehkan, itu karena untuk menghindari ketidakjelasan. Dengan demikian, jika sudah tahu kapan awal Ramadan, maka tidak apa-apa melakukan puasa sampai akhir Sya'ban.

Hikmah Puasa Sya'ban

Ulama berselisih pendapat tentang hikmah dianjurkannya memperbanyak puasa di bulan Sya’ban, mengingat adanya banyak riwayat tentang puasa ini.

Pendapat yang paling kuat adalah keterangan yang sesuai dengan hadis dari Usamah bin Zaid, beliau bertanya: “Wahai Rasulullah, saya belum pernah melihat Anda berpuasa dalam satu bulan sebagaimana Anda berpuasa di bulan Sya’ban. Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda:

ذَلِكَ شَهْرٌ يَغْفُلُ النَّاسُ عَنْهُ بَيْنَ رَجَبٍ وَرَمَضَانَ، وَهُوَ شَهْرٌ تُرْفَعُ فِيهِ الْأَعْمَالُ إِلَى رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ، فَأُحِبُّ أَنْ يُرْفَعَ عَمَلِي وَأَنَا صَائِمٌ

“Ini adalah bulan yang sering dilalaikan banyak orang, bulan antara Rajab dan Ramadhan. Ini adalah bulan dimana amal-amal diangkat menuju Rab semesta alam. Dan saya ingin ketika amal saya diangkat, saya dalam kondisi berpuasa.” (HR. An Nasa’i, Ahmad, dan sanadnya dihasankan Syaikh Al Albani)

Malam Nishfu Sya’ban

Ulama berselisish pendapat tentang status keutamaan malam nishfu Sya’ban. Setidaknya ada dua pendapat yang saling bertolak belakang dalam masalah ini. Berikut keterangannya:

Pendapat pertama, tidak ada keuatamaan khusus untuk malam nishfu Sya’ban. Statusnya sama dengan malam-malam biasa lainnya. Mereka menyatakan bahwa semua dalil yang menyebutkan keutamaan malam nishfu Sya’ban adalah hadis lemah. Al Hafidz Abu Syamah mengatakan: Al Hafidz Abul Khithab bin Dihyah –dalam kitabnya tentang bulan Sya’ban– mengatakan, “Para ulama ahli hadis dan kritik perawi mengatakan, ‘Tidak terdapat satupun hadis shahih yang menyebutkan keutamaan malam nishfu Sya’ban’.” (Al Ba’its ‘ala Inkaril Bida’, Hal. 33).

Syaikh Abdul Aziz bin Baz juga mengingkari adanya keutamaan bulan Sya’ban dan nishfu Sya’ban. Beliau mengatakan, “Terdapat beberapa hadis dhaif tentang keutamaan malam nishfu Sya’ban, yang tidak boleh dijadikan landasan. Adapun hadis yang menyebutkan keutamaan shalat di malam nishfu Sya’ban, semuanya statusnya palsu, sebagaimana keterangan para ulama (pakar hadis).” (At Tahdzir min Al Bida’, Hal. 11)

Pendapat kedua, terdapat keutamaan khusus untuk malam nishfu Sya’ban. Pendapat ini berdasarkan hadis shahih dari Abu Musa Al Asy’ari radhiallahu ‘anhu, dimana Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda, “Sesungguhnya Allah melihat pada malam pertengahan Sya’ban. Maka Dia mengampuni semua makhluknya, kecuali orang musyrik dan orang yang bermusuhan.” (HR. Ibn Majah, At Thabrani, dan dishahihkan Al Albani).

Setelah menyebutkan beberapa waktu yang utama, Syaikhul Islam mengatakan, “…pendapat yang dipegangi mayoritas ulama dan kebanyakan ulama dalam Madzhab Hambali adalah meyakini adanya keutamaan malam nishfu Sya’ban. Ini juga sesuai keterangan Imam Ahmad. Mengingat adanya banyak hadis yang terkait masalah ini, serta dibenarkan oleh berbagai riwayat dari para sahabat dan tabi’in…” (Majmu’ Fatawa, 23:123)

Ibn Rajab mengatakan, “Terkait malam nishfu Sya’ban, dulu para tabi’in penduduk Syam, seperti Khalid bin Ma’dan, Mak-hul, Luqman bin Amir, dan beberapa tabi’in lainnya, mereka memuliakannya dan bersungguh-sungguh dalam beribadah di malam itu…” (Lathaiful Ma’arif, Hal. 247).

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Top 20 Fruits You Probably Don’t Know

by Christine Vrey
I was playing a game the other day, in which you have to come up with fruit that starts with every letter of the alphabet. Apple, banana, cherry…. and that is about where I hit a blank. My epic failure at this game made me do some research and what I discovered was a whole world of delicious looking fruit that I had never even known about! I was completely shocked to find that there are actually hundreds of different types of fruit (no need to include them all as omissions in the comments), most of which I had never even heard of. This list is not to rank the fruit, but rather just to inform you about them. The only fruit on this list I consider ranked is No: 1, as it deserves the spot, in clearly being the coolest fruit on the planet. How many of these exotically delicious fruit have you tried?

Sugar Apple
Annona squamosa
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Sugar Apples or Sweetsop, is native to the tropical Americas, but is also widely grown in Pakistan, India and the Philippines. The fruit looks a bit like a pine cone, and are about 10 cm in diameter. Under the hard, lumpy skin is the fragrant, whitish flesh of the fruit, which covers several seeds inside, and has a slight taste of custard.

Mammee Apple
Mammea americana
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Mammee Apple, Mamey Apple or Santo Domingo Apricot is an evergreen tree, native to South America, which was introduced to various other regions of the world including West Africa and South East Asia. They can also be found in Florida and Hawaii. The Mammee apple is actually a berry and gets up to 20 cm in diameter. It has a thick outer rind, with soft orange to yellow pulp on the inside. It usually had one seed in the centre, but larger fruit have been known to carry up to 4. The pulp is sweet and fragrant. 

Annona cherimola
Cherymoya, or custard apple, is a deciduous plant found in the high lying mountainous areas of South America. The fruit is vaguely round and is found with 3 types of skin – Impressa (indented), Tuberculate (covered in nodules) or intermediate (a combination of the first two). The flesh inside the skin is very fragrant, white, juicy and has a custard like consistency. It is said that the fruit tastes like a combination of banana, passion fruit, papaya and pineapple. Mark Twain said in 1866 “ the most delicious fruit known to men, cherimoya”

Platonia insignis
Bacuri, ''Platonia Insignis''
Platonia or Bacuri is a large tree (reaching 40m) found in the rain forests of Brazil and Paraguay. The fruit become the size of a orange, and have a thick yellow peel which oozes a yellow latex when pressed. Inside there is a sticky white pulp, wrapped around several black seeds, which tastes pleasant and has a sweet and sour flavor.

Solanum sessiliflorum
Solanum Sessiliflorum2
Cocona fruit is another tropical fruit found in the mountainous regions of South America. It grows on a small shrub, and can miraculously grow from seed to fruit in less than 9 months, after which the fruit will take another 2 months to ripen. The fruit is a berry and comes in red, orange or yellow. It has a similar appearance to tomatoes, and is said to taste like a mixture between tomatoes and lemons.

Artocarpus altilis
Artocarpus Altilis
Breadfruit is a large tree, in the mulberry family, found native to the Philippines and all the islands in Southeast Asia. The fruit is similar to bananas, as they can be eaten raw when ripe, and cooked when unripe. The ripe fruit is soft and sweet, while the unripe fruit is harder and starchy, which is where it got the name breadfruit from, as it tastes similar to freshly baked bread when cooked.

Lansium domesticum
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Duku or lungsat are two very similar fruits found throughout Asia. They come from the same family, look and taste identical, with one difference. The skin of the lungsat contains a latex substance, which is not poisonous, but causes the skin to stick slightly to the fruit, whereas the duku has no latex and the peel is removed with more ease. Inside, the fruit has 5 segments, some of which has bitter seeds inside. It is a very sweet fruit and can be prepared in a number of different ways, including being canned in syrup or being dried like raisins.

Dacryodes edulis
Safou is an evergreen tree found in the humid tropical forests of Africa, as far south as Angola, and as far north as Nigeria. The fruits are also known as African pears and are oblong dark blue to violet fruits up to 14cm in length, with pale green flesh inside. These fatty fruits have been said to have the ability to put an end to starvation in Africa, as 48% of the fruit is made up of essential fatty acids, amino acids, Vitamins and triglycerides. The have estimated that a one hectare plantation would be able to produce 7-8 tons of oil, and all parts of the plant can be used. 

Myrciaria cauliflora
Jabuticaba, or the Brazilian grape tree, is a very strange plant native to the South Eastern parts of Brazil. What makes this plant so strange is that it fruits from its trunk. No, I did not make that up, and no the picture has not been photo shopped. Initially, yellowish white flowers will appear all over the trunk and main branches, these flowers will then turn into fruit, about 3 – 4cm in diameter. Inside the thick purple skin is the soft gelatinous flesh of the fruit, along with 1 – 4 black seeds. The fruit is sweet and can be eaten as is or made into a wine or liqueur. Unfortunately, the fruit does not keep long when off the tree and will start to ferment after about 3 or 4 days. 

Nephelium lappaceum
Rambutan is an odd fruit that looks like a furry strawberry from the outside, and much like a lychee on the inside. It is native to South East Asia, but has been spread and a smaller “wild” version can be found in Costa Rica, where it is called a Chinese sucker. The fruit is an oval shape and about 3-6 cm in diameter. Inside the slightly hard, but easily peal able skin, you can find a soft fruit that tastes slightly sweet, with a possible sour tinge.

Morinda citrifolia
File:Noni Fruit (Morinda Citrifolia)
Noni, otherwise known by many different names around the world, including the great moringa, Indian mulberry, dog dumpling and pace, is related to the coffee bean plant and is native throughout South East Asia and Australasia, but is cultivated throughout the tropics. The tree carries fruit throughout the year and the fruit tend to have a very pungent odour when ripening (also known as the cheese fruit or vomit fruit). Despite the smell, the fruit is high in fibre, vitamin A, protein, Iron and calcium, and is the staple diet on many Pacific Islands. The fruit can either be cooked into a stew or eaten raw with salt. 

Sclerocarya birrea
Photfile Images\Sclerocarya Birrea 362
The Marula is a deciduous tree native to Southern and Eastern Africa. The distribution of the tree throughout Africa, follow the migratory patterns of the Bantu people, as it was an important source of food, and they planted more trees along their way. The green fruit ripens and turns yellow, the white flesh inside is succulent and has a very distinct flavor. After falling off the tree, the fruit will start to ferment and these draw in animals, like elephants and baboons, for a slightly alcoholic treat. The fruit is also used to make a popular liqueur called Amarula, which can be found at any duty-free liquor store at airports.

Rubus spectabilis
Rubus Spectabilis 2B
Salmonberrys are native to the west coast of North America, stretching from midway through Alaska, all the way down to California. They are found in moist forests and create dense thickets. The fruit looks similar to raspberries, but are more orange in color. They are sweet when eaten raw, but are often processed into juice, wine, candies and jams.

Salacca zalacca
Salak fruit, also known as the snake fruit, comes from a species of palm native to Indonesia. These fruit grow at the base of the palm, and gained the name snake fruit from their red brown, scaly skin. The skin is easily removed, and inside are 3 white, sweet segments that each contain a large black inedible seed. When eaten, the fruit have a slightly acidic but sweet flavor, and the consistency of apples.

Aegle marmelos
Aegle Marmelos
Bael, wood apple or stone apple is a species native to India, but found throughout Southeast Asia. Bael is a smooth fruit with a woody peel that is colored yellow, green or grey. The hard, woody, outer peel is so hard that it has to be cracked with a hammer. Inside is an aromatic yellow pulp with several hairy seeds. The flesh can be eaten either dried or fresh. From the fresh fruit, a juice called sharbat can be made, adding water, sugar and lime juice to the pulp. It takes just one large fruit to make 6 liters of sharbat.

Star Apple
Chrysophyllum cainito
The Star apple is a fruit native to the low-lying areas of Central America and the West Indies. The underside of the evergreen leaves shine with a golden color from a distance, and the tree carries small white to purple flowers with a sweet fragrance. The fruit is round, purple and has a thick, latex filled skin. If the fruit is cut horizontally, a clear star pattern can be seen in the white purple pulp. The fruit is delicious fresh, with a intense sweet taste.

Star fruit
Averrhoa carambola
Karambol-Sternfrucht Averrhoa-Carambola-8~Max600X450@75
Star fruit or carambola is a fruit tree native to the Philippines, but can be found throughout Southeast Asia, East Asia, South America, Florida and Hawaii. This fruit has five ridges running down its length, which when cut sideways, makes the star pattern after which it is named. The fruit is rich in Vitamin C, and Antioxidants. The fruit turns a bright yellow when ripe, has a waxy skin and the entire fruit is edible, juicy and crunchy.

Horned melon
Cucumis metuliferus
The horned melon, also known as African cucumber or jelly melon, is an annual vine native to Africa, but can now be found grown in California, Australia, New Zealand and Chile as well. When ripe, the melon has a thick spiky yellow outer skin, with bright green, jelly like flesh. The flesh is often compared to the taste of a banana, with the texture of the seedy part of a cucumber or tomato. The thick skin can be eaten and is a good source of vitamin C and fibre.

C747 12
Pitaya, or dragon fruit, is a cactus fruit that can be found throughout Asia, Australasia, North America and South America, even though they are believed to be native to Mexico originally. There are two main types of pitaya, the sour types, typically eaten in the Americas, and sweet types found across Asia. The fruit comes in 3 different color varieties, Labelled as red, yellow and Costa Rican pitayas. The “red” fruits are generally a bright magenta color on the outside, with yellow flesh. The Yellow Pitaya is yellow inside and out, and the Costa Rican pitayas are magenta on the outside and the inside. They smell deliciously fragrant and most have a sweet flavor similar to a kiwi fruit.

Miracle Fruit
Synsepalum dulcificum
The miracle fruit, or sweet berries, is a very strange berry native to West Africa. What makes the fruit strange and miraculous, is miraculin (a sugar substitute), which is found in large quantities in the fruit, combined with a glycoprotein. The fruit itself does not contain a lot of sugar, and tastes only mildly sweet but when eaten, the glycoprotein binds to the tongues taste buds, which, for about an hour after eating the fruit, distorts any other taste into sweetness. With that effect you could technically eat a lemon, and it would taste like a ball of syrup. Although the definite reason for this occurrence is not fully understood, it would seem as if the miraculin distorts the shape of the sweetness receptors in the tongue so that they pick up on acid instead of sweetness. The sweetness receptors on your tongue then transmit to the brain to taste sweetness when they come in contact with any acidity. In the 70s attempts were made to commercialize and sell the fruit as a diet aid, as it has the potential to turn any meal sweet, without affecting your calorie intake. These attempts were shattered when the FDA declared it a food additive, due to pressure from sugar companies who could foresee big losses in profits. In the last two years the berries have been making a comeback, by being the guest star of many tasting parties in the states. The berries are dried and exported, and the party guests each have one and then taste all kinds of common foods to experience a new taste sensation with every bite.
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